Home Page > Troubleshooting and Repair > Generic Gas Dryer > Failed Gas Valves
Proper Operation
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The gas valve assembly contains two internal valves with corresponding external solenoid coils. When the coils are powered they open the internal valve and allow gas to flow.
The coils them self rarely ever become permanently open circuits but they can fail (ie. open up electrically) intermittently while in use and then reset to normal after a short period of inactivity. This can make the coils tricky to absolutely pinpoint as the troublemaker of heating problems. The valve itself has also been known to 'stick' shut, totally preventing the solenoid coils from opening the gas flow.
Use the model number of your dryer or any part numbers found on the old burner to purchase the proper replacement. Procedures for Replacing the Valve Assembly
Home Page > Troubleshooting and Repair > Generic Gas Dryer > Failed Gas Valves > How old is my Appliance?
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